Meth by Shake and bake What do you think of the method and the ingredients? It's my first time.


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Dec 6, 2022
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One thing I see that is a problem, you do not need to add any water to kick off the reaction. a bowl of hot water to put you bottle in is much safer. But if you really feel the need to add water add it before you add your lithium. and also wait to add your pill powder till all your lithium is bronzed . They put stuff in pills to inhibit the production of ammonia gas. But if u all ready have your lithium bronze made it won't matter. Plus if something is gonna go bad it's usually in the 1st hr of the reaction and then you won't be out your pills . Best thing I can tell you is to learn how to cook in a fire extinguisher, a steel one very important that it's steel and not aluminum