Look what Your Homie with the Gasmask Unveiled to my sweet "Bad-BreakazZ"
Don`t Knew that? well this is my favourite BuzZ....
Dr. rer.nat. ELEUZUZ
"What would you write if you got to retire tomorrow?"
"Number one, there'd be a new version of my Cooking Crank with Uncle Fester video updated with what materials you can obtain on hardware store shelves now".
"Hmmm... What if this is the new version?...."
I found pseudoephedrine from a local pharmaceutical company at a very good price, they sell it in 100g packages and there is an option to test for pseudoephedrine before paying for the shipment. How do I test to make sure that what they are selling me is actually pseudoephedrine. I have never...
After completion of the reduction
I filtered the liquid
Until he became pure then
Then it started to precipitate meth by hydrochloric gas.
Table salt and sulfur acid were used in the production of gas, and the result is as in the video
After filtration, the salts did not come out...
Hello friends
I want to use this method of cooking meth.
I need your advice if there's something wrong
Shak and bak method
Using a 2 liter bottle I will do these steps
1) Add 12,000mg pseudoephedrine after grinding
2) Add 190ml of ammonium nitrate
3) shake the bottle well
4) Add starter...
Benzyl magnesium chloride can be prepared from Benzyl chloride in diethyl ether with a small iodine crystal. Grignard reaction on Acetaldehyde Methylamine yields Methamphetamine. Acetaldehyde Methylimine is prone to polymerization, so it must be used quickly. Grignard reaction on Acetone...
Methylamine hydrochloride 593-51-1
Delivery guarantee, all shipments include tracking numbers
Quality assurance, all our products are genuine and sourced directly from reputable manufacturers/laboratories in China.
Use professional chemical transportation channels for the safest packaging...
Hello i just thought i would make my own version that i have success with on here using proper equipment. i will post pictures soon.
Materials used:
1000ml round bottom boiling flask
ACS Grade ammonium nitrate crystals
Pure Sodium hydroxide
Pure extracted P-PHed or ephed
Solvent containing...
Hey everyone, i am just curious to know the typical yeild of Methamphetamine from a box of 12, 60mg pseudoephedrine hydrochloride.
Also, i heard 'bumping' twice with Iodine crystals increases potency? If so, at what stage should you add the extra iodine crystals?
thanks guys, loving BB!
Hi guys!
Im little confused. If I understand correctly ephedrine is a naturally occurring alkaloid, yet meth is man made, synthetic substance.
So how does this work?
Please someone clarify this for me.
Where I can find BMK Glycidate?
BMK Glycidates family of P2P precursors is currently banned in some countries. BMK Glycidates can be converted to methamphetamine via P2P CAS 103-79-7 in two syntheses and have used as one of the main precursors. That's why they are attract so many attention from...
I was wondering if Dextromethamphetamine could be made from Dextroamphetamine or if it would be racemic. The idea is to turn around 5% to 10% of the Dextroamphetamine into Dextromethamphetamine by adding 10% Formic acid slight excess maybe 11% and Formaldehyde 10% to Dextroamphetamine to get...
I was wondering about growing Khat leaves for Cathinone for ADHD and maybe making Khat tea. But also picking some extra leaves and letting it sit for 48 hours so the Cathinone decomposes to Cathine and Norephedrine (Phenylpropanolamine). Then turn some of the Phenylpropanolamine into...
What is it like being old and taking drugs? What is different compared to taking them when younger? Are there any differences at all?
Yes there are. In fact, depending upon the drug in question, quite a few changes come with experience and age; but the most obvious physical manifestation...
This method describes how to turn racemic ephedrine hydrochloride to methamphetamine via relatively simple reaction with iodine (I2) and hypophosphorous acid (H3PO2).
Long story short someone fucked up BIG TIME and used an angle grinder to cut open steel that contained our Meth and heated the meth up.
The prod has now taken on a yellow burnt colour and is dark yellow as soon as its melted down. Have been told it still tastes okay but there is definitley an...