Thank you for your info! Yeah, it could be I don't remember exactly which number was written on the bags containing such RCs..

Just a small, little number could make definitely a big difference!
then probably I had the 2c-t-2. I think I even took a larger dosage because I was not feeling any effect for over 1 hour so I too a second one...When young we all do stupid things
I really like your Nickame hehe.. SANDOZ is the best brand doing such amazing commercial ads and all their pharma products that are abused (like Oxy, fent patches) - "magically" they are the ones most suitable for such usages.
Oxy sandoz: it peels like a condom, the coat is not glued on the pills

Then, it's enough a GENTLE press that the pills become fine powder, removing all ER.
Excipients are very neutral, making it the less unpleasant oxy to be snorted, and magically with a PH practically already good to IV.
The patches were the top notch: before they were forced from laws to put the "anti-abuse" dermapatch instead of the bag of gel, Sandoz added to such gel, usually just squeezed out and smoked...a sweetener inside!!! for the best taste smoking experience

any reason why they should put a sweetener to a derma patch otherwise??
take care