Use what? Vacuum pump? Sulfuric acid isn't solvent. It takes a lot of attantion, I don't recommend you to carry out sulfuric acid distillation at home without well experience.
Sorry, i was actually asking if i could use the vacuum 'Asheschem' showed us a picture of. (its a blue vacuum pump) I am wondering if that vacuum pump could be used for vacuum distillation. And if so then what could you use it for? Could it do vacuum distillation of solvents? or if you wanted to purify Sulfuric acid. Would it be ok to do if i set up a cold trap etc
hello,been reading through many of your apparatus related pieces.its really good has a lot of "meat"to it; if you understand me.could you perhaps recommend a manufacturer or model of vaccum pump that would be fitting to someone wanting to synthesize a small amount of a-pvp as first chem experiment?.maybe a economical start approach..thank you for your content....
Hi Patton, your reply suprised me, because I thought you`d recommend a diaphragm pump, but it also reminded me of a problem why I left the idea of using water jet pumps. I tried to build several different versions following the Nile Red video, but when the pump was really strong, I got suckback, because the `venturi adapter` (I don`t know the proper name) could not forward the water and it slowly accumulated inside the adapter and then entered the flask. I can probably solve this with a one-way adapter, but when I tried the pump stopped creating vacuum (the one-way valve only helped with not getting water in my flask). Perhaps you know a good website which explains the pitfalls? Or just tell me why it is better than diaphragm pumps to encourage me to try again .
My biggest problem with most pumps is the noise, which limits the times I can use them. Which type is best in this respect? (I know that the quietest would probably be to just attach an adapter to the tap, but it would be quite expensive to operate for hours and not enviromentally friendly either.
Hi, I told that I can't recommend something exactly cuz I don't know his lab conditions. Some labs don't have any limits with water. In case your lab in your attic, it's worth to use diaphragm pump or rotary-vane pump. Use check valve to avoid back suction.
ok,yes, i realized that wasnt a cut and dry question,because i didnt give you anything to go on,but i learned somethings by your answer and the other response to it,and thats why im here.i need some schooling,lol,thanks for the education!