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@Acidosis Köszönöm szépen a fórumhoz való hozzájárulást a szintézishez. Ki fogom próbálni; mindenképpen. Azt írod, hogy a "prekurzor nagyon-nagyon olcsó". Megkérdezhetem, hogy mennyit fizetsz 1 kg-ért, és ha nincs adatvédelmi konfliktus, meg tudnád mondani, hogy ki a beszállítód? Thx
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az alibabán több eladó is kínálja a prekurzort, de nem olcsó, hacsak nem tudom, mit jelent önnek az "olcsó", nekem több mint 150 EURO/kg-ért ajánlották az anyagot.
Ez csak a prekurzor, aztán a szintézishez használt kémiai reagensek is pénzbe kerülnek.
Ez csak a prekurzor, aztán a szintézishez használt kémiai reagensek is pénzbe kerülnek.
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380USD with shipping. No tax, or additional fees.
No, I'm not sharing. Not to be a dick. It's because I know how red flags, logarithms and algorithms work. CYA. Cover Your Ass.
It's always "buyer beware", and for a few different reasons.
Scammers, police, customs, loss/breakage, customs/police, loss, delivery "issues", junkies stealing deliveries off the front porch (which is how they can afford your product), using the wrong carrier resulting in 1) loss 2) your package being opened 3) a search warrent resulting in an especially well groomed "delivery person" performing a controlled delivery that results in you eating shitty food in a small concrete room for the next 3-5 yrs or more. Dickheads. "Sneaking and peaking". Peace officer? No one sneaking around spying on others personal business is trying to keep the peace. Now I'm in a pissy mood.
It's pronounced "es-press-o".
No, I'm not sharing. Not to be a dick. It's because I know how red flags, logarithms and algorithms work. CYA. Cover Your Ass.
It's always "buyer beware", and for a few different reasons.
Scammers, police, customs, loss/breakage, customs/police, loss, delivery "issues", junkies stealing deliveries off the front porch (which is how they can afford your product), using the wrong carrier resulting in 1) loss 2) your package being opened 3) a search warrent resulting in an especially well groomed "delivery person" performing a controlled delivery that results in you eating shitty food in a small concrete room for the next 3-5 yrs or more. Dickheads. "Sneaking and peaking". Peace officer? No one sneaking around spying on others personal business is trying to keep the peace. Now I'm in a pissy mood.
It's pronounced "es-press-o".