otc sources

  1. The-Hive

    What drugs do yous won’t to see more off in the UK

    Another City 
    Good evening as I have took on the new role of been the UK moderate for this section. I will 110% try my best to bring you the best of the best, but in order to do that I need to know what drugs chemicals you’d like to see more of in the UK. On the last post. There was over 5K views but only 1...
  2. TotalSynthesis

    TUTORIAL - How to easily find (almost) all otc chemicals you’ll ever need

    Well, the magic for this is called google search operators and material safety data sheets. Search operators do help to further define your search. A good example we will need are: - filetype:pdf which will only show pdf documents in our search results. - Also useful „“. This will help to...