
  1. E

    can you help me

    I want to make medicine as an amateur (like paracetamol and alprazolam etc.) can you give me information about the materials and production stages?
  2. KS365

    I think I messed up with my AA reaction with opium

    So I got some opium I have purified about 5 grams or so... I use alcohol 99percent to do my purification process i was left with a lovely dehydrated not to sticky thick ball of opium and if course with all the conflicting info I have tried to acetylate with AA and so I threw my nice ball of...
  3. L

    New to methamphetamine production

    I'm fairly new to producing methamphetamine from Pseudoephedrine and i must admit this forum has helped a lot understand the chemistry behind it, I've been studying it for a few days and this is what I've managed to learn, Feel free to correct me if I'm missing anything! Chemicals...


    i have pseudoephidrine pills this is the list of the components and excipients : Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride 30 mg Paracetamol 500 mg Wheat starch + Lactose + Active substances: Paracetamol Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride Excipients: Wheat starch Potato starch Lactose Magnesium...
  5. Y

    Bromo-benzodioxol from 3,4-methylenedioxyphenol?

    Hi people I have been looking around here and figured that bromo-benzodioxol has some has some interesting uses. But I didn't find a place to buy it but I know where I could get 1,3-methylenedioxyphenol in large quantities and without causing lots of suspicion. And I was wondering whether one...
  6. The-Hive


    Event News Buy Dead Drop 
    Get Free Samples & Share the Love for every 5 new members you refer ❤️ Join our community and enjoy FREE samples ! Experience the quality that everyone’s talking about—absolutely risk-free 🫡 I can’t do this on my own. I need your full assistance and patience to recruit new members to the...
  7. bennykoz

    Hey guys, I'm looking for a good supply chain

    Question Looking for a vendor 
    I want a supply of shards of crystal. I don't want free. I want residual A grade quality please help.. I have reached out, but no reply from vendor. Dunno if I'm doing it wrong or what. But if someone could please guide me in the right direction, that would be grouse:)
  8. The-Hive

    What drugs do yous won’t to see more off in the UK

    Another City 
    Good evening as I have took on the new role of been the UK moderate for this section. I will 110% try my best to bring you the best of the best, but in order to do that I need to know what drugs chemicals you’d like to see more of in the UK. On the last post. There was over 5K views but only 1...
  9. W

    Looking for a solid supplier to Australia.

    Cocaine MDMA Methamphetamine 
    looking for a solid supplier for mdma,cocaine,meth and ecstasy or 2-cb pills to Australia I’m willing to fly overseas to meet face to face in order to build a solid business Relationship. i will be more then happy to negotiate a very reasonable price to ensure safe transportation of product I am...
  10. W


    Okay so to keep it simple I had one of my fellas empty thousands of caps after we had just done them all up because we had the bright idea of rerocking the mdma in order to sell it faster well we now have 500 grams of sludge/mdma liquid goop in a pot and no idea how to save it…. we dont want to...
  11. bordello

    Pls Help.. I fucked up (amphetamin)

    So for the context. I poured 550ml of my oil and 1100ml of Methanol in a poly ethylen bucket. After i poured everything in tgere i added pure caffein (about 400g) and putted it in there also at once. Then i took a whisker and Started swirling the ingredients like crazy. I know everything was...
  12. Rabidreject

    PLEASE HELP! Water bath and rotovap questions…

    Hey guys, I have a synth coming up (currently waiting for the main reagent) and the synth calls for both a water bath and rotovap. So to put my situation into perspective it’s important to say that I am learning chemistry as a hobby and I do not make things for people other than myself! Okay...
  13. BennyBlanco

    Local drug market research - Pomoc

    Zdravim chcel som prispiet do komunity ze by som napisal nieco malo o Slovensku a o tom ako to tu funguje. Potreboval by som vsak pomoc s niektorymi otazkami. Ak niekto vie poradit pomoct budem rad. 2.1 A list compilation of local online sellers and traffic on their websites 2.2 Popular...
  14. S

    Hcl pseudoepherine extraction from pills...

    Hello everybody, I need help from an expert or a good amateur because I must do a pure Hcl pseudoephedrine extraction from pills of pharmaceutical boxes. However I found a technic on this site because in my continent there really isn't VM&P Naphtha but I got all of the others chemistry agents...
  15. chefgorden

    Ph and sharding

    Pseudoephedrine powder distillation to oil Need help with pH and sharding what's process please help
  16. F

    How to Ship a pound of weed from Canada to the EU

    Hey there I'm looking for any tips you could give me on shipping around a pound of weed from Canada to the EU any help would be appreciated thank you.
  17. Rutherford

    Hydrobromic Acid?

    Hello everyone! I'm new here. I'm just a beginner hobbyist who wants to enter the world of chemistry. I would like to know if any of you know any way to synthesize the a-pvp precursor substances (for example: 48% hydrobromic acid, pyrrolidine and valerophenone). since in my country it's quite...
  18. Z

    Codeine phosphate to Heroin

    Hey everyone, I have got an infinite source of pure codeine phosphate tablets. I wanted to ask what is the best and most efficient way to turn it into morphine than heroine?
  19. M

    A way to crystalise D9THC?

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone knew a way to make D9THC crystalise? I'm not a chemist but I am capable of following decent chemist's instructions. I've read online that it will not crystalise because it has had it's acid group removed. Is their a way this can be done? Preferably without it...
  20. plancklong

    Help with Kleopatra

    I am using Kleopatra for decrypt/encrypt and am having trouble with my first order from a dark net market! I don't think I used the vendor PGP Public Key correctly so that when I tried decoding my instructions, I got an error: "No Secret Key Found"