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  1. Dr. MMX

    DCM DICHLOROMETHANE, methylene chloride CAS: 75-09-2

    DICHLOROMETHANE, methylene chloride Packaging: 5-liter canister. Excellent solvent. Non-flammable! Molecular formula: CH2Cl2 CAS: 75-09-2 Molar mass: 84.93 g/mol Density: 1.33 g/ml Boiling point: 40.00°C Purity: pure Customer is responsible to check if its legal in his country. Sending only...
  2. fidelis

    DCM ban in the states?

    i first heard about this on the vespiary, then i looked it up 2 make sure. most legal uses/excuses 4 DCM are now banned. sux :c https://www.chemistryworld.com/news/ban-on-most-uses-of-dichloromethane-finalised-in-us/4019449.article