bromine synthesis

  1. G.Patton

    Molecular Bromine Br2 Synthesis

    Introduction Like chlorine, bromine is extremely dangerous and can easily kill you. In top of this, bromine is a liquid and it’s much more concentrated and therefore more dangerous than chlorine. Bromine is appears as a fuming liquid at room temperature. In organic chemistry, the main use of...
  2. CCL4 huffer

    A Bromine Synthesis with better Yields than the Clorine method.

    hello guys since i havent seen this synthesis on here i just wanted to add it since the good ol clorine method is kinda shit it leads to heavy clorine contamination and practicly wastes bromine salts so what u need for it is: - KBr,NaBr - conc sulfuric acid - a glas destilation setup -...
  3. Making bromine (Br2) from pool supplies

    Making bromine (Br2) from pool supplies

    The yield was around 75%. Source: