
  1. M

    Blue Bliss/Pink star/Borax combo (2-FMA/5-MeO-MiPT/5-MAPB)?

    Question Looking for a vendor 
    Hi! does anybody know where to get Blue Bliss/Pink star/Borax combo (2-FMA/5-MeO-MiPT/5-MAPB)? It used to be possible through clearnet, but all I can find are scam vendors these days:/ Thanks!
  2. M

    Blue Bliss/Pink star/Borax combo (2-FMA/5-MeO-MiPT/5-MAPB)

    Čégo, neví někdo, kde sehnat Blue Bliss/Pink star/Borax combo (2-FMA/5-MeO-MiPT/5-MAPB)? Doba, kdy to šlo ofiko přes RC, už podle mě bohužel minula. Díky!
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    Research Chemicals kopen Nederland | RCN Winkel

    Welkom bij RCN-Winkel, Research Chemicals kopen Nederland, De Marktleider in Research Chemicals! Start your Research here
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    Funcaps.nl - Funcaps | Research Chemicals koop je online bij Funcaps

    Wil je 4FMA / 6APB(Benzo) / 3-CMC (Miauw) kopen? Dan ben je bij ons aan het juiste adres! Onze research chemicals worden altijd in erkende laboratoria getest. ✓Capsules ✓Poeder ✓Scherpe prijzen ...
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    Research Chemicals kopen Nederland | RCN Winkel |

    Welkom bij RCN-Winkel, Research Chemicals kopen Nederland, De Marktleider in Research Chemicals! Start your Research here!