- Origin region
- China
- Destination region
- Europe
- India
- Africa
- Asia
- Latin America
- Australia
Product Name: Methylamine hydrochloride
Cas NO:593-51-1
Purity: 99%
Molecular Formula: CH5N.CIH.
Melting Point: 231-233?°C(lit.)
Boiling Point: 225-230?°C15?mm Hg(lit.)
Flash Point 225-230°C/15mm...
Cas NO:593-51-1
Purity: 99%
Molecular Formula: CH5N.CIH.
Melting Point: 231-233?°C(lit.)
Boiling Point: 225-230?°C15?mm Hg(lit.)
Flash Point 225-230°C/15mm...
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