Clean Weed Revolution


Expert Pharmacologist
Jul 6, 2021
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The legal cannabis industry is a pioneering trend, but many of its new laws do not take into account the environmental impact. Today's cannabis consumers are environmentally conscious and are keen to avoid leaving behind excessive plastic waste. How much plastic is used in this industry? The answer to this question is not so simple: according to data cited in 2020, nearly one billion single-use plastic products were used in the United States.

Cannabis consumers want to make sure their purchases are safe, especially in light of the product recalls that have occurred in the industry in 2024. If you're looking for a clean product, you should pay attention to the quality of the raw materials.

There are some impressive innovations emerging in the industry that will help both consumers and brands become more sustainable while adhering to existing regulations. Here are seven tips for sustainable cannabis consumption and cultivation.


Allow consumers to grow their own cannabis
Gardening has become a popular trend. By selling seeds, you give people the opportunity to grow their own cannabis. Studies show the health benefits of working in a garden. Since you don't have the need to transport the plant, it also reduces your carbon footprint. Moreover, you can control the conditions by using only clean and organic resources.

With the advent of autoflowering seeds, growing cannabis at home has become easier than ever. These seeds require less maintenance and start blooming 4-5 weeks after germination. The availability of these seeds offers consumers a new experience and the ability to grow in all light conditions. Since 2010,
Fast Buds has made autoflower varieties some of the most popular in the world.


Look for the label «organic marijuana»
At this time, the term «organic» for cannabis has no official status. While growers may use organic methods, they cannot legally use the word without proper certification. However, the best products you can buy are usually as close to «organic» and even «vegan» as possible. In California, look out for OCal and EnviroCann labels, which denote clean and sustainable products. There are also EnviroGreen and EnvirOganic certifications.

One well-known regenerative farm in Canada is Dragonfly Earth Medicine, which has developed its own clean farming standards, DEM Certification, applicable to chemical-free farms. Regenerative farms with this certification can be found all over the world and help consumers choose quality products.


Use living soil
Living soil generates less waste as the same soil can be used repeatedly. Living soil methods produce amazing yields because the microbiome in the soil promotes plant vigor and yield. Each grower creates their own unique recipe based on organic materials such as worm humus and compost. Living soil actively supports cannabis growth processes.

Utilize hemp plastic and recycled materials

There are now companies on the market that offer hemp bioplastic packaging, which can help solve the problem of single-use plastic in the cannabis industry. While this type of packaging may be more expensive for businesses, it is more sustainable for the environment. I dream of a future where hemp plastic replaces traditional plastic in various industries.

Research shows that consumers are indeed concerned about the environmental impact of their products. According to a survey conducted by Brightfield, 57.1% of respondents in 2023 prefer eco-friendly products. This is an increase of a few percentage points from the previous year. They also found that 69% of cannabis buyers «sometimes» or «often» choose products with sustainable packaging.


Treatment of recycled and rain water
Purifying and reusing water for plants is a great way to be environmentally responsible in the growing process. One of the most impressive cannabis varieties, known as Big Island Grown, is cultivated in Hawaii using rainwater purified through lava rocks. This method cuts down on water costs and provides the plants with the nutrients they need. Purified rainwater not only makes cannabis growers happy, but also promotes the careful use of our planet's water resources.

Solar utilization
Solar utilization is an effective way to reduce energy costs when growing cannabis. If legislation allows, you can plant in your garden. Today's growers have more freedom in choosing when to grow than they used to.

Using autoflowering genetics allows you to harvest up to four outdoor crops in a year.
There are licensed farms in states like California, Michigan, Oregon and New York that are reviving solar farming. Climate change will contribute to consumers' growing interest in sun-grown produce. According to recent studies, indoor crops emit 50 times more carbon than those grown outdoors.


Using compostable smoking accessories
Every time you throw away a joint, there is an opportunity to plant flowers. This is the basic idea behind Bloomer filter tips — vegan and organic accessories with flower seeds. These flowers are bee-friendly and pose no threat to the North American ecosystem, according to the Florida-based company.

Instead of leaving trash behind, smokers can sit on the new flowers and contribute to a better environment. This is one of the newest smoking accessories that seeks to help nature while discovering the inner nature lover in each of us.


There are many innovative ways to create a sustainable cannabis business. Given the attention focused on this plant, entrepreneurs should strive to set a sustainable standard in this area.