Ammoniating fuel for shake n bakes


Don't buy from me
Nov 16, 2023
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From the methamphetamine episode of Hamiltons Pharmacopeia:
"Heimlich" prepares ammoniated ether from scratch using OTC ingredients, WITHOUT using an ammonium salt. This post is to discuss alternative methods for bronzing lithium for use in improvised birch reactions.
Items used:
Fire extinguisher
Calcium carbonate
Magnesium Sulfate from baked epsom salt
Diethyl ether from cans of starting fluid
Ammonia cleaning solution (%5-%10?)

Empty fire extinguisher and clean. Wash and dry diethyl ether from starting fluid. Add ammonia and calcium carbonate to fire extinguisher and prepare to 'double boil' for an extended period.
-- "As the termperature inside the fire extinguisher reaches 58 degrees celcius, the ammonium carbonate, [made in situ], decomposes into water, carbon dioxide and ammonia, which dissolves in the ether."
What is not shown but should be assumed: After a significant period of time, the fire extinguisher is cooled to room pressure and should be cooled further to best condense and facilitate the absorbing of ammonia into the ether, simultaneously reducing the pressure. After safely purging the pressurized vapor inside the fire extinguisher, the ether and aqueous layer are to be seperated and the aqueous layer discarded.

Continued captions from the rest of the cook:
"Heimlich removes the lithium anode from two AA batteries and submerges them in isopropanol. Now with the ammonia in solution, Heimlich opens the valve assembly and introduces the crushed pseudoephedrine and lithium which serenely floats on the surface of the ammoniated ether. The fire extinguisher is cooled to room temperature and plunged into an ice bucket. A naked electron is swept from the lithium and cradled in a shell of ammonia molecules, absorbing red light and reflecting an other worldly blue".

I have not experimented with this.. yet. There are no portions given, I am just presenting this as an idea for discussion for how users might be able to get around not being able to find ammonium nitrate or another ammonium salt for use in their pop bottle adventures. Anybody have any thoughts or anything to add? Please share.