Morphine (8-14%), codeine(1-3%), thebaine, noscapine, papaverine and the secret one no one talks about: narceine
Morphine is the most desirable of those and the easiest to extract. Here's how Friedrich Wilhelm Adam Sertürner (discoverer of morphine) used to do it back in 1804 and the way most clandestine chemists still do it today (the amount of water and opium can be scaled up or down):
"1) Boil 30 gallons of water in a 55-gallon oil drum
2) Add 10-15kg of raw opium. Allow to dissolve and scoop out soil, leaves, twigs and other non-soluble
materials to leave a dark brown ‘liquid opium’ solution
3) Add slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) or more readily available chemical fertiliser with a high lime
content, which converts the water-insoluble morphine alkaloid into water-soluble calcium
morphenate. The other opium alkaloids do not react with lime to form water-soluble calcium salts,
and so can be removed as sludge by straining the liquid once cooled (Do not discard sludge)
4) Reheat the calcium morphenate liquid but do not boil
5) Add ammonium chloride until the alkalinity is adjusted to a pH of 8-9
6) Cool solution and within 1 or 2 hours morphine base (solids) will precipitate and settle to the bottom
of the pot
7) Filter to extract morphine base and dry in the sun
8) The coffee-coloured coarse powder typically contains 50-70% morphine. To further purify, dissolve
the solids, in hot water and add hydrochloric acid, then add activated charcoal, reheat and filter
9) Upon cooling morphine hydrochloride will precipitate out of the solution and settle to the bottom.
Extract by filtration and form into a roughly 3 pound block"
So we've got the morphine out now we move on up to 1821 when Pierre Robiquet discovered codeine like this:
"He noticed that after the extraction of morphine, the mother liquor left after evaporation a residue that ground with KOH and washed with water could be reduced to a powder. After crystallization, he obtained a crystalline substance that he named codeine. An aqueous solution of codeine was alkaline and “this is of much a great interest because all the substances having this property posses a rather marked action on animal economy”.
In 1874 Charles Wright discovered heroin by boiling morphine in acetic acid for a few hours. He's a somewhat dubious procedure I found for making heroin without acetic anhydride which is what is used in modern methods:
"o Equal quantities of morphine and acetic acid are heated in a glass or enamel-lined container for 6
hours at 85C. The morphine and the acid combine to form impure diacetylmorphine
o Water and chloroform are added to the solution to precipitate impurities. The solution is drained and
sodium carbonate added to make the heroin solidify and sink
o Heroin is filtered out of the sodium carbonate solution with activated charcoal and purified with alcohol.
This solution is gently heated to evaporate the alcohol and leave heroin, which may be purified further
o Purification in the 4th stage, involving ether and hydrochloric acid, is notoriously risky as the volatile
ether gas may ignite and produce a violent explosion. The final product is a fluffy, white powder known
in the trade as number four (pure) heroin"